Aronium can be translated to any language. We have build an application used for this purpose.
To start the translation process, download Aronium.Translate.Setup.exe and run the installer.
Once you have finished installation, you should see an icon on your desktop.
Creating new translation file
Start Aronium Translate and from the main menu, select "File / Create new translation". Save file dialog will open, enter file name and save.
Use language code for the file name
Use your language code for the file name. For example, English is using "en", Spanish is using "es", Thai should use "th" etc.
Begin translation
After you have created new translation file, click "Open translation files" button.
A dialog will appear, allowing you to select source and target file.
Source file is used as a template, we recommend using English as a template. Destination is your newly created translation.
You will find source file in your Aronium installation, by default, it is located under the following directory:
C:\Program Files\Aronium\Lang
To select the files click browse [...] button on the right and select "source" and "target" files:
- Source file (we used "en.lang" as recommended)
- Target file (you should select previously saved translation file, we used Spanish "es.lang" for target language)
Once both files are selected, press "OK" button to open translations.
Language options
Once you have selected newly created file as a destination, next step is setting language options, as language code and language name.
From the main menu, click "Tools / Set language options" menu and enter language code and name as in the screenshot below (we have used Spanish translation for example, you should set your language options).
Language code
It is very important to set language code the same as the file name. So, for example, if you named your translation file "es.lang", set "es" as a language code.
Translation process
Once you have set all language options, you are ready to start translation. Application contains two parts:
- Language "keys" to translate
- Translation section
The left side contains the keys to translate, you will notice different colors of the "nodes" (yellow, red, green and blue). They describe the translation status, so you can identify missing translations easily.
Color | Description |
Incomplete translation, indicates a child node has a missing translation | |
Missing translation | |
Complete translation | |
No translation required |
To translate a key, simply select it from the left and enter translated value in "Translated value" field. Once you have entered translated value, press "Ctrl + Enter" to confirm and move to the next key.
Special characters (placeholders)
Special characters
It is very important to preserve special characters as is. You must not remove characters in curly braces ({0}) as they represents a placeholder for values set during application execution.
Special characters must be preserved to ensure translation is valid, as in the screenshot below, otherwise, you may encounter an error during application execution.
For example, you may notice the following text in translations:
Finally, when used from application, translated text will be:
As you can see, {0} is replaced with actual document number.
Save translation
Once you have completed translation or a part of it, click "Save" button at the top to save your changes.
Enabling translation in Aronium
For translation to be available in Aronium, it must be placed under expected directory, next to the other translation files. Once you have finished translation, you must move it to the following directory:
Once you have moved your language file to this directory, restart Aronium and go to "Settings", your translation should be available in the list.
Using original destination for your language
You can save your language file directly in "C:\Program files\Aronium\Lang" directory. This way, you can preview your work after you save the changes.
Translating modules
Many Aronium modules have their own translations, as they act as a separate parts of the application.
Procedure for translating these files is exactly the same as the one described above for the main translation files. You will need to create and translate separate language files for each module in order to have complete Aronium translated.
You can find other translations in the following module directories:
Module | Default path |
Users | C:\Program Files\Aronium\Modules\Aronium.Pos.Users\Lang\ |
Stock | C:\Program Files\Aronium\Modules\Aronium.Pos.Stock\Lang\ |
Reporting | C:\Program Files\Aronium\Modules\Aronium.Pos.Reports\Lang\ |
Receipt printer | C:\Program Files\Aronium\Modules\Aronium.Pos.ReceiptPrinter\Lang\ |
C:\Program Files\Aronium\Modules\Aronium.Pos.Print\Lang | |
Management | C:\Program Files\Aronium\Modules\Aronium.Pos.Management\Lang\ |
Customer display | C:\Program Files\Aronium\Modules\Aronium.Pos.CustomerDisplay\Lang\ |
Notes plugin | C:\Program Files\Aronium\Modules\Aronium.Pos.Notes\Lang\ |
Cash registers | C:\Program Files\Aronium\Modules\Aronium.Pos.CashRegisters\Lang\ |
Named order plugin | C:\Program Files\Aronium\Modules\Aronium.Pos.NamedOrder\Lang\ |
Stock control plugin | C:\Program Files\Aronium\Modules\Aronium.Pos.StockControl\Lang\ |
MRP plugin | C:\Program Files\Aronium\Modules\Aronium.Pos.Mrp\Lang\ |
Translating only part of the application
You can translate only part of the application, for example, to translate main sales screen, you should translate the main language file only. Others will fallback to English by default, if missing.
You can download translation tool by following the link below.