On this page
Expiration date plugin comes as a separate installation and can be downloaded from www.aronium.com/en/features/expiration-date.
This plugin gives you an option to track expiration dates for purchased products and to print report of expiring products in a specified period.
Adding expiration date during purchase
Once you have Expiration date plugin installed, an option to enter expiration date will be available in product purchase screen in a Purchase document.
When adding a product to the purchase document, select the expiration date and save the item as usual. Product's expiration date will be saved for the purchase document.
Print expiration date report
To print expiry dates for products, go to Management > Reporting section, locate Expiration date report under Purchase sections and print it or select Show report to run print preview.
Tip: to see products expiring in the future, select end date in the future.