How to uninstall Aronium?
Uninstall can be started from Control Panel or by opening Start menu, point to Aronium folder and select Uninstall Aronium. Make sure Aronium is closed before starting the uninstall process.
You can read more about uninstalling a Windows programs on Microsoft support center.
Database backup
We strongly recommend creating a database backup before uninstalling Aronium, in case you need to restore the data later. You can read more about database backup here.
Starting uninstall process will ask for the confirmation. Click Yes on the confirmation dialog.
Uninstall process starts, wait until it is complete.
Once Aronium program is uninstalled, you will be asked to confirm deletion of the application data.
IMPORTANT! Database and application files deletion
If you select Yes on delete database and application settings confirmation dialog, your database and all automatically created database backups will be deleted. This operation cannot be undone, so we strongly recommend you ensure you have a database backup in place before deleting the database and application settings.
You're done! Aronium is uninstalled from your PC successfully.
How to uninstall a plugin?
Close Aronium application before uninstalling a plugin
Make sure you have Aronium closed before uninstalling a plugin so the plugin gets uninstalled completely.Click Start, point to All programs, and then Aronium group and select Aronium Installer.
Once you open Aronium Installer, you will see all currently installed plugins. To uninstall a plugin, simply select the ones you wish to uninstall and click Uninstall button on the bottom right side.
Once you click Uninstall, a confirmation dialog appears. Select Yes to uninstall selected plugins.