On this page
- Making a credit sale
- Settling outstanding balance
- Filtering unpaid documents
- Mark transaction as paid
- Updating payments in Management section
- Reporting
As mentioned in payment types section, you can set any payment type to act as a "credit payment" by leaving Mark transactions as paid option unchecked.
Return change option for credit payment method
When selecting a payment type as a "credit" payment type by turning off "Mark transaction as paid" option, make sure "Change allowed" is turned off, too.
This way, application will know how to calculate change amounts correctly in case you decide to use split payment option with "credit" payment.
Once sale is made using a payment type that has "Mark transaction as paid" turned off, you will be able to track unpaid documents and open transactions.
For example, you can create a "Credit" payment type and turn off "Mark transactions as paid" option for that payment type. If your decide to let your customer pay later, close the sale using this "Credit" payment type, and it will be marked "Unpaid".
Making a credit sale
Once you have a "Credit" payment type set up, you can use it to record a credit sale. To add a "credit" record, you need to select "F10 - Payment" and use that newly created "Credit" payment type to close the sale.
Alternatively, if you wish to split payments and use credit payment for only part of the sale, you can do it by using split payments as described at the Payment article.
For example, if your sale total is $100, and you wish to use credit for $40 and to charge the rest using "Cash" payment type, you can do that by following the steps below:
- Create new sale by adding products to an open order
- Press "F10 - Payment" button
- Enter $60 in paid amount box, as the amount you wish to charge using "Cash" payment type
- Click "Cash" payment type, split payment screen will open where you can add unpaid amount
- On this screen, click "Credit" payment type on the left
- Enter the unpaid amount, in our example it will be $40
- Confirm and close the sale by pressing OK button
Settling outstanding balance
When a customer makes a payment toward their credit balance, you can update their balance by navigating to “Credit Payments” in the main menu.
Once you are on the Credit Payments screen, follow these steps to update the credit balance:
- Select the customer
- Choose the payment type (e.g., Cash)
- Enter the paid amount
- Press the OK button to process the payment
Automatic Distribution
When Automatic Distribution is enabled, Aronium will automatically allocate the payment amount to unpaid sales, starting with the oldest documents, until the payment is fully distributed.
To manually select documents for reconciliation, disable Automatic Distribution and use the checkboxes next to each document to choose which ones to update.
Sales without payment types
Some documents may not be eligible for payment reconciliation on this screen. These documents do not have payment types assigned and will appear disabled in the sales list.Printing Payment Receipts
To print a receipt after a successful payment:
- Go to Settings > Print
- Enable the Print credit payment option
- Select the printer you want to use for payment receipts
You can read more about setting up printers at Print options page.
Filtering unpaid documents
To track your open transactions and unpaid documents, go to Management > Documents and use Paid status filter in documents view. Once you search for "Unpaid" document, your unpaid transactions will be listed.
Mark transaction as paid
Once your customer has paid the bill, you can change the status of that document by opening it for edit, and change its paid status.
Once you have changed paid status for selected document, save it to apply the changes made.
Optionally, you can use context menu in documents view to quickly change paid status, by right clicking the document and select "Paid status" options.
Updating payments in Management section
You can use document edit screen to replace "Credit" payment type and to add actual payment type used for closing this sale. For example, if customer paid in cash, you can replace "Credit" payment type with "Cash".
To edit a document, go to Management > Documents, locate unpaid document, select it and click Edit button. Once documents opens for edit, you can change payment types used for this transaction.
To modify payment types used for this transaction, edit your sales document, select "Payments" section and modify payment types and payment amounts to match actual transaction amount.
Leaving "Credit" payment type in a document
You can leave "Credit" payment in document when you mark one as "Paid". This may be handy to track how much "Credit" payments you had in a period.Reporting
You can track summary of your unpaid documents in reporting section, by selecting "Unpaid sales" or "Unpaid purchase" reports.