To enable your customer display, open settings and select "Customer display" section.
Aronium support VFD (Vacuum Fluorescent) two line display type only.
If your customer pole display is not VFD display, this functionality will not work.
In this section, check "Enabled" option and select COM port your display is attached to.
Once you have selected COM port for customer display, click "Test display" button to check if everything is set up properly. If customer display is connected you will see a test message displayed.
Port settings
Additionally, you can adjust settings for COM (serial) port where customer display is connected to. In case your customer display is not working correctly, or is displaying unreadable characters, click "Show port settings" next to the port selection and try adjusting the properties until you see test displaying as expected.
In many cases, changing port speed ("Bits per second") only can be enough to fix the problem with unreadable characters displayed.
Welcome message
You can customize your welcome message to show any greeting message in both display lines. To do so, enter your welcome message in top and bottom line fields.
Welcome message will be displayed on application start and after sale is complete.
Also, Aronium will display an item being added to the sale, so this information is clearly presented to the customer.