This section contains rules and settings related to ordering and making sales.
Basic operations
Use floor plans
Select this option if you want to use floor plans, a graphical representation of your object or a store, If not selected, order number will be automatically assigned.
Floor plans are more suitable for restaurants. For using Aronium in retail, we recommend turning this option off as orders and sales are mostly created one after another, without actual need to keep multiple orders open.
Sets a value indicating whether sound effect will be used once item is added to the current order.
Selecting Show sound options will make the following settings available:
- Navigation - if enabled, a sound will play when you navigate groups in visual layout
- Item added - If enabled, a sound will play when item is added to the order
- Item not found - If enabled, a sound will play when product with entered code or barcode is not found
Default search
Sets default product search (applies to standard layout only).
You can search and add items using "Barcode", "Code" and "Name".
Show search options
Sets a value indicating whether search option can be quickly changed without entering the settings.
If selected, a quick search option "switcher" will be available for you to change the way how you search for the items / products.
Default quantity
Sets the default quantity used for adding new items to order.
Default discount type
Choose between "Percentage" or "Fixed" discount type as the default one.
Separate row for each item
If turned ON, same items added to an order will not be merged, instead, each item will be stored and printed in a separate line.
For example, if this option is turned ON, when you add the same item 3 times to an order, it will appear as 3 separate items each having quantity of 1. Otherwise, if this option is turned OFF, if you add the same item 3 times to an order, it will be stored and printed as one item with quantity of 3.
Prevent negative inventory
Displays a warning message or prevents negative stock levels.
Single user
If selected, user will not be logged out once order is closed, otherwise, user will be prompted for the password each time order is completed. Read more about signing out here.
Display receipt print dialog
indicates whether dialog appears to choose print receipt, send email, print invoice, save as PDF or do nothing.
Default due date
Sets default number of days for unpaid sales.
If receipt is closed with a payment type that has "Mark transaction as paid" turned off, this number of days will be added to today's date and will be set as a sales document due date.
This is useful if you wish to set default due date for all credit payments.
Merge items on receipt
When turned on, the same products sold with the same price will be merged in receipt. Otherwise, if this option is turned off, items will print in receipt and invoice in the same sort order as they were added to the sale.
Show items on payment form
indicates whether order summary (items) are displayed on payment form.
Single item discount allowed
Indicates whether discount can be set per item.
Shortcut keys payment confirmation
You can add a keyboard shortcut to a payment type. If this option is turned on, you will see a confirmation dialog when pressing selected key combination. This option prevents accidental payments started by using the keyboard shortcuts.
For example, if you create a payment type named "Voucher", and you assign a shortcut key "B" to it, when you press Ctrl+B on your keyboard, you will see the confirmation similar to the one below.
Please note that shortcut keys are available in Standard layout only.
Void items
This section contains settings related to voiding items from open sales.
Require reason on void
If enabled, user will have to enter a void reason every time an item is voided.
Track unconfirmed voided items
If enabled, unconfirmed voided items will be included in voided items report, too.
Advanced settings
Selecting Show advanced settings at the bottom of this screen, more properties will be available.
Reset order number on day close
If enabled, order number will reset once day is closed.
Show items on payment form
If selected, items will be visible on the payment form.
Number of payment type rows
Indicates the number of rows used for displaying payment types on a payment form.
If set to "0", payment types will be displayed and sorted automatically, based on screen size.
Show all occupied tables in floor plans
If you are using floor plans and this option is enabled, it will indicate an occupied table even if another user is using it.