This section contains general application settings.
Application style
Defines language, color and layout settings.
Selects application language.
Writing direction
Choose between left-to-right or right-to-left writing direction.
Color scheme
Selects color scheme. Available values are "Dark" and "Light".
Choose between keyboard (standard) and visual layout.
Number of rows / columns
Applies only if visual layout is used. Defines number of rows and columns used to display items on the screen.
Enable virtual keyboard
Select whether virtual keyboard is enabled.
Note that, if application layout is changed to keyboard (standard), this option is automatically turned off. You can turn it off for standard layout, too, if required.
Choose the application zoom level (make content bigger or smaller). You can change zoom level using keyboard shortcuts, too.
Defines rules and settings used for displaying messages within the application.
Show "Close" button
Sets whether a "close" button is displayed in toast message.
Click to close
Defines whether clicking anywhere in the message will automatically dismiss the message being displayed.
Slide in
Sets whether messages will "slide-in" from left to right.
Message duration
Sets the time (in seconds) how long is a message visible on the screen, before it is automatically closed.
Sets message position. Available options are "Top" and "Bottom"
Business day
Show cash in on application start
If enabled user will be prompt to enter staring cash amount
Select business day on application start
If enabled, business day selection screen will be displayed on application start and after closing the till.
This feature may useful to anyone who is working round the clock (24/7), so closing the till and a business day is not explicitly related to a calendar date.
For example, if you wish to close the till at 22:00, and move to next business day, this feature may come handy, as all receipts created after 22:00 will be moved to next business day.
Button bar
In this section you can choose which action button will be visible on a sales screen. For example, if you don't have cash drawer you can uncheck this button to remove it from button bar in sales screen.
If some button has a shortcut assigned, for example "F2" for discounts, shortcut will work even if the button is not visible.