Buying a license via PayPal is completed in 5 easy steps, and takes only couple of minutes.
- Payment type
- Subscription period
- Terms of use
- Review product details
- Complete subscription and payment on PayPal
You will need a valid PayPal account
Before you start, keep in mind that all subscriptions and payments are managed by PayPal, so you need a valid PayPal account to buy license.
If you do not have PayPal account already, you can open one at
Step 1: Payment type
In payment type selection, select PayPal and click "Next" button.
Step 2: Subscription period
There are two options available when selecting subscription period:
- Monthly
- Annual
Purchasing monthly subscription will charge your PayPal account every month, while annual subscription will charge your account every year.
Once you have selected preferred subscription period, click "Next" to move to next step.
Step 3: Terms of use
Read our Terms of use carefully. Confirm you have read terms by selecting "I Accept" checkbox and click "Next" to move to the next step.
Step 4: Review product details
Here you can review and check your previous selection. You can see what payment type and period you have selected and how you will be charged.
Also, you can see how much time you have left in your trial period, if any, and when subscription will start.
Once you have reviewed selection, click "Buy using PayPal" button.
Step #5: Complete subscription and payment on PayPal
When you click "Buy using PayPal" button, you will be redirected to PayPal website to complete subscription process.
Once there, login using your PayPal account and follow on-screen instructions to complete the payment and create subscription.
When you finish payment, you will be redirected back to Aronium website where you can see subscription details and download your license.
Time required to process your payment
Please allow up to 10 minutes before you attempt to download license. This time is required for PayPal to process payment and inform us of successful charge.