In a situation when you need to apply different taxes for a current sale only, you can use Taxes option from the Payment screen.
Override taxes for a specific product
To override a tax for a specific product, open Taxes screen and follow the steps below:
- On the left side, select a product you wish to override taxes for
- Select the taxes you wish to use
- Click OK button to confirm the changes
Using the same tax override for all products
If you wish to apply the same tax selection for all products in the current order, follow the steps above and, before confirming the changes you made on a product, click Apply to all button. Currently selected taxes will be applied to all products for this sale only.
Additionally, you can use Clear button to clear all taxes for the selected product or Reset to revert the changes and use originally assigned taxes.
Removing taxes
To remove all taxes for the current order, use Remove all taxes button in Tax override screen.